Pastor Sanchez from La Libertad says … One boy at the Christmas party told us that it was the first time that his father was ever in a church. The boy said, “My dad is so hard. He is so foul mouthed but it shocked me to see the change come over him as he was listening and praying in the church!” He told us that he was astonished as he watched his father praying and crying for Jesus to save him!
Pastor Juan Santiz wrote … “Roberto was a very bad 35 year old man and was very hard against the gospel. He lived in the house on the side of our church. Every time we had services in the church he would throw rocks! He was so angry that finally one day his wife left him & took her children with her! On the day of the Kingdom Kids Christmas backpack outreach Roberto arrived and was yelling and telling us all to shut up!! … Then suddenly he saw his 3 children in the church, how they were worshiping God … He ran to them and hugged them and began weeping!!” One of his kids looked up & said to him, “Papa, Jesus loves you!” … In that instant their father fell to his knees crying and surrendered his life to Jesus! Now the family is back living together and they are all attending our church!
These are just a few of the hundreds and hundreds of testimonies that we receive every year from the over 400 remote mountain mission Pastors who use these backpacks as a tool to preach the gospel and plant churches! Thank you so very much for caring, thank you for giving, and most of all… thank you for loving Jesus!!
20,000 Christmas Backpacks…
Reaching Over 400 Remote Villages
The Annual “Kingdom Kids Christmas” Backpack Outreach is one of HEA’s most powerful Front Line Evangelistic Missions Outreaches…
You have helped us supply over 360,000 children as of 2023 (in thousands of very remote mountain communities) with their school supplies. Over the last 17 years 550,431 Kids, Moms, Dads, & their extended families have attended KKC outreaches with 109,433 surrendering their lives to Jesus!
Every year, with your help, HEA puts together 20,000 Christmas Backpacks, loaded with school supplies, toys, cookies, lollipops, and a beautiful gospel booklet. Each year we train and equip over 400 Native Pastors to use the backpacks as a tool to reach their entire community with the gospel.
The entire family is invited to these “Kingdom Kids Christmas” parties (which at times attract the entire village) and the gospel is boldly preached to all who attend at every location!! These children’s backpacks are a powerful tool that open the door to share the love of Jesus in some of the most terribly persecuted, poverty stricken communities you have ever seen.
Once the pastors have register the children of their communities for the backpacks, every single pastor must return to our center and attend an all day “KKC Leadership Training Seminar.”
After the KKC outreaches, every pastor must also return to our World Missions Operations Center for their debriefings with HEA staff. We go over every detail of the event with them because at HEA we want our outreaches to be better every year! If they don’t return for their debriefings and turn in their reports they can’t register for the KKC Outreach the next year.
Thank you all for being a part of the Miracle of Kingdom Kids Christmas!! Because you give we are able to put these cutting edge evangelistic tools into the hands of these Native Missionaries!! With your help they are preaching the gospel to their own people, in their own languages, in their own communities.
… At HEA we are all about “planting churches, one family at a time!!”
Kingdom Kids Christmas Pastor’s Training
The testimonies these pastors share with HEA Staff in the debriefings have been nothing short of amazing!! 96,804 kids, moms, dads & their extended families have surrendered their lives to Jesus through the KKC backpack outreach over the years & hundreds of new churches have been planted!!
Filling 20k Backpacks in 3 days / HEA’s World Missions Operations Center