Support Kingdom Kids Christmas

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Kingdom Kids Christmas

The Annual “Kingdom Kids Christmas” Backpack Outreach is one of HEA’s most powerful Front Line Evangelistic Missions Outreaches…

Every year, with your help, HEA puts together 20,000 Christmas Backpacks, loaded with school supplies, toys, cookies, lollipops, and a powerful gospel booklet. We train and equip the Native Pastors from over 400 remote mountain villages to use the backpacks as a tool to reach their entire community with the gospel.

The entire family is invited to these “Kingdom Kids Christmas” parties (which at times attract the entire village) and the gospel is boldly preached at every location!! These children’s backpacks are a powerful tool that open the door to share the love of Jesus in some of the most terribly persecuted, poverty stricken communities you have ever seen.

We will have almost 60,000 people attend in over 400 remote mountain villages with over 12,000 Kids, Moms, & Dads surrendering their lives to Jesus! We need your help…

$10.00 will sponsor 1 backpack

$100.00 will sponsor 10 backpacks

$1,000.00 will Sponsor 100 backpacks

$10,000 will Sponsor 1,0000 Backpacks

What an opportunity to have an incredible impact in your world!!

Please select the button below and donate any amount you desire.

Regarding our donation process form

The "Additional Amount Covered" is the fee charged by the credit card company. You have the option to choose not to cover the fee, in which case the ministry will cover it as a cost of doing business.
We thank you for your support of our ministry either way.