Taking The Gospel To Wherever They Are
HEA’s vision is all about raising up, training, & equipping Native Missionary Evangelists to go out & boldly preach the gospel to their own people, in their own language, in their own countries …
Greg always said, “We must be about frontline Indiginous missions! Modern day Christianity must be on the cutting edge of preaching the gospel to the unreached & we must be out there with a passion!! Anything less & we will fail to reach this generation & only our generation can reach this generation!”
In the very beginning Greg & Michele saw the incredible potential of what could happen if they could just reproduce what they were already doing in mission evangelism through Indigenous ministers… “By training, equipping & supporting Native Missionary Evangelists to press into the harvest in their own countries around the World we could reach multitudes!!”
American Missionaries have their place in Gods design to preach the gospel to the whole world and many of them do a great work. We are in no way minimizing their importance, (after all, Greg & Michele are American Missionaries themselves) but to support an Indigenous Missionary only costs a small fraction of what it costs send American Missionaries.
These front line Native Missionary Evangelists go into the most dangerous and remote areas where you and I would probably never be able to go. With your help HEA Missionary Evangelists are out there every weekend around the world holding dirt road evangelistic campaigns, preaching the gospel with a boldness & passion, reaching the lost, wherever they are!
Over the last 24 years alone … 24,254,714 people have been ministered to through HEA Ministries Worldwide with 2,090,929 people surrendering their lives to Jesus!! This is the direct result of our commitment to train & send Native Missionaries.
A good example of this is HEA’s full time, front line, Film Team Evangelists. They transport their equipment on bicycles, motorbikes, taxis, busses, or on foot into some of the most remote areas! In these pictures you can see our HEA team evangelist in Argentina, the Congo DRC, the Philippines, and Mexico traveling to some of the most remote communities to boldly preach the Gospel.
Could your family, church, company, or small group help support one of our Front Line Missionary Church Planters … Together we can take the gospel to the most difficult places!