Film Team Evangelism

Taking The Gospel To Wherever They Are

It was Greg’s desire from the start to develop a system that would enable us to set up a movie theatre in a field in 30 minutes.  It was a big challenge considering that Greg & Michele’s first generator weighed 150 pounds!

It was our goal to put together a system that our Native Missionary Church Planters could transport by Taxi’s, Motorbikes, Bicycles, or even pack in to remote villages on foot trails …

Greg saw a way to move evangelism from the big stadium format out into the dirt roads where the people live.  He also knew we had to put it into the hands of Native Missionary Evangelists if we were going to reach the multitudes with the Gospel … HEA would Train & Equip Native Missionaries to work as Church Planters.

Over the years (with newer cutting edge technologies) we were able to put it all together.  Every night somewhere around the world HEA Church planters have been out in the dirt roads gathering people together to watch powerful, evangelistic movies on the big screens.  When the movies are over the Gospel is boldly preached at every location & invitations are given for people to surrender their lives to Jesus.

The local pastor then joins the evangelist to pray a prayer of salvation with the people. The people are met in the dirt road by trained consolers who fill out their information cards.  The local pastor has agreed ahead of time to organize his church members to use the cards and visit those people 2 times each week for one month!

In the last 5 years alone, HEA’s Native Film Team Evangelists in Uganda & The Congo, have held 1,771 evangelistic campaigns, sharing the Gospel with 847,959 people with 191,253 responding to the invitations!!

Donate to Support a Full-Time Native Missionary Evangelist

Your donations helps to support a Native Missionary in the field.

Please take a moment and read this email that Pastor Peter sent us some time ago … 

We received this email from pastor Peter Kasirivu of Uganda.  Pastor Peter is the head of Africa Renewal Ministries in Uganda and is the National Leader over HEA’s Film Team Evangelists in Uganda & The Congo DRC.

Our evangelists have been reporting amazing stories of conversions, churches that have reignited their passion for outreach and planting of new churches!  Please pray for us as we look into the future. God has opened a very big door for us in the country of Burundi, and in other regions of The Congo and also in Southern Sudan. Our Dream is that God will provide and that we can also equip (with the help of HEA) evangelists in these regions with the same film evangelism equipment like we are using here in Uganda & in the Congo.

– Pastor Peter Kasirivu of Uganda