Wild Broncs to Worldwide Missions
It has now been 24 years from the time that Greg and Michele gave our lives to Jesus. From then until now Jesus has been all they know, and he is enough! Before they surrendered their lives to Jesus Greg says they were crazy drunk in sin, glorifying the devil & living hard on the road to hell. Recreation was driving around drunk shooting street lights out with a shotgun.
Greg met a man while working at General Motors who truly loved God with all his heart. The man was down on his knees cleaning the old paint off the floors in the paint department with a putty knife as he shared Jesus with Greg. Greg said, “I could not escape the conviction of this man’s walk with God. For days I wept not knowing what to do. I finally found myself in our room on the floor. I saw in my mind that I was the one who drove the nails into the hands of Jesus! I felt there was no hope for my soul but at the same time I could feel somehow that Jesus still cared for me. I could feel him reaching for me. I realized that even though I was against him, He loved me anyway!!”
Greg said that in that moment he cried out to God to help him. “That night the blood of Jesus cleansed me of all my sin! The next day I was a new person.” After that Greg began to read the bible three or four hours a day! Greg said, “I would show Michele all of the wonderful things that God was showing me. She thought I was Crazy! She still kept beer in the fridge and didn’t understand why I didn’t want to drink anymore.” She called her friends and told them that Greg was crazy!!
Two weeks later Greg came home from work to find that Michele had also had an encounter with God. She said, “I was listening to one of my rock music tapes and the words of the song said, “…if you are into evil you’re a friend of mine…” Michele said she realized in that moment, as God opened her eyes, that she also was against Him. She looked up and said, “Forgive me Lord,” and she was changed forever! Michele was a complete new person from that day forward!
The rest is history… Greg said, “We praise God always that he loved us even though we were against him and that he made the way for us to be saved! What a miracle!” They also praise God for a harvest of hundreds of thousands of others that have been saved over the years!! There is truly rejoicing in heaven. Glory to God!!
Greg & Michele McClanahan had no idea what God was going to do with their lives over the years. They only knew that what he had done in their lives he wanted to do in others! If Jesus died on the cross for them he deserved everything that they had to give, their love, their time, their devotion and their lives. They have since traveled the world sharing with others what Jesus has done for them. Greg has said many times, “God wants to shake the world… he’s just looking for people who believe he will do it! Our God rejoices in the impossible! He loves to do things that no man can explain. That way he gets all of the glory!”
They began to use every means possible to share with others what Jesus had done for them.